

Prayer is an essential part of our growing relationship with God. Our Catholic faith is rich in prayer and encourages a strong prayer life. One step in this journey of prayer is to learn some of the basic prayers of our faith. In our religious education program, we have students learn prayers for each grade level by Christmas. The prayer breakdown is as follows:

  Grade 1:   Sign of the Cross, Glory Be, Angel of God,  Hail Mary
  Grade 2:  Our Father, Act of Contrition, 10 Commandments
  Grade 3:   Apostle’s Creed, Before Meal Prayer, 7 Sacraments
  Grade 4:   Rosary Mechanics (w/Joyful Mysteries), Hail Mary, Glory Be
  Grade 5:   Hail Holy Queen, Our Father, 7 Sacraments
  Grade 6:  O My Jesus, Act of Contrition, Apostle’s Creed
  Grade 7:  Hail Holy Queen, 7 Sacraments
  Grade 8:   Recite a rosary, all prayers included, with a set of mysteries of the students’ choice
  Grade 9:   St. Michael prayer, Act of Contrition
  Grade 10: Memorare

For 2024-25, students able to recite their prayers by September 25 will earn a special reward! All prayer testing is due by December 11, 2024.

**Prayer list last updated August 2021 **

 Prayer Lists per grade:
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7  404 error
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10   404 error

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