

Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation preparation begins with an invitation which is extended prior to a student's sophomore year in high school. If you or your student feel you were missed in this invitation, please contact Deb Mlsna or Fr. Barry.

Invitation for 2025   

Please pray for our students as they prepare for this sacrament.

What happens at Confirmation?  In the Sacrament of confirmation, the Apostles and the Bishops, who are their successors, hand on to the baptized the special gift of the Holy Spirit, promised by Christ the Lord and poured out upon the Apostles at Pentecost. Thus the initiation in the Christian life is completed so that believers are strengthened by power from Heaven, made true witnesses of Christ in word and deed, and bound more closely to the Church.”   Decree of Pope Paul VI, 8/22/71 The rites, Rite of Confirmation p. 289

Pertinent Information:

How to start? Confirmation preparation begins with an invitation which is extended prior to a student's sophomore year in high school. If you or your student feel you were missed in this invitation, please contact Deb Mlsna or Fr. Barry.  Once committed, confirmation students will both prepare to celebrate the sacrament and continue in their on-going faith formation by participating in Religious Education classes or Catholic School. Confirmation preparation is separate from ongoing catechesis, which needs to continue throughout our lives. 

Students begin preparing for Confirmation for the two years prior to receiving the sacrament. The first year, typically in grade 9, is part of their on-going catechesis.  In the spring of 9th grade they are invited to work on their confirmation preparation starting with an initial interview. Each Confirmation class is established the year before celebrating the sacrament.

Confirmation preparation begins in the 10th grade, as diocesan norms indicate. However, any Catholic adult or one being received in the Church may also receive the sacrament. An adult wishing to be confirmed, may do so as part of our RCIA program. 

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