We are called to use our God given talents and to not bury them in the sand for safe keeping, as we heard a few weeks ago in the Gospel. To be active is to give back, therefore I’m asking each of you to prayerfully consider being on one of our four committees here at Christ the King. We only meet 5 times over fall, winter and spring and break for the summer. It is through these four committees that you help facilitate every aspect of our community of faith. Come bring your ideas and let’s move forward in planting the seeds of God’s vineyard!
Diocesan description: The Sacred Worship Committee is to assist the parish pastoral council in fostering, first and foremost, the liturgical life of the parish as celebrated in the Sacraments and other rites of the Church, with special attention to the sick and isolated in the parish. Also of concern to this committee are the devotional aspects of the parish’s life of prayer.
Current Committee members: Jeff Austin, Diane Lang, Bonnie Jackel,Courtney Buss, Colleen Bauer
Chair: OPEN
Pastoral Council representative: Pauline Frome
Diocesan description: The Family Life Committee is to assist the parish pastoral council in fostering Christian family life in the parish. Among its concerns are: the central place of the family in all parish pastoral activities; parish hospitality and social activities; youth ministry; vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life; pre-marriage preparation; marriage enrichment; natural family planning; and the pastoral care of single adult Catholics, divorced Catholics, divorced and remarried Catholics, and widows and widowers.
Current Committee members: Kay Derks, Joan Meyer, Shelly Schultz, Kris Franklin, Sue Cattanach, Sue Toufar
Chair: OPEN
Pastoral Council representative: Annmarie Wolf
Diocesan description: The Social Justice Committee is to assist the parish pastoral council in fostering pastoral concern and action for justice in the world, especially in all areas of parish life. Its concerns includes: promotion of the respect for all human life; pastoral care of the afflicted, the needy, and the imprisoned; the pastoral care of migrants and refugees; just structures in the parish; stewardship; and the greater understanding of the Church’s teaching on social justice.
Current Committee members: Vivian Gamble, Dan McNeeley (chair/cochair), Deacon Ray
Pastoral Council representatives: Ardell Klein
Diocesan description: The Catholic Education Committee is to assist the parish pastoral council in fostering the educational aspect of the pastoral mission of the parish, which includes evangelization, adult education, catechesis, the Catholic school (if there be one in the parish), missionary activity, and ecumenism. If a Catholic high school serves the parish it, too, would fall within the concern of the Catholic Education Committee, without prejudice to any other consultative body which has particular responsibility for the pastoral activity in the Catholic High School
Current Committee members: Deb Mlsna (chair), Mary Buss, Sharon Rollins
Pastoral Council representatives: Sue Mews