Christ the King

Christ the King



Ever since 1938 this parish has been assisting souls in their quest for deeper union with God. 

Our mission statement is essentially found in the stained glass window above the main altar: “For Christ our King.”

Insofar as God made us and we belong to Him, we have come to believe that only in serving God and His people will we find the true happiness that every person desires.

Blessed Miguel Pro (d. 1927) discovered this happiness when he returned to his native diocese in Mexico – it was illegal to serve as a Catholic priest during those tumultuous days, but Miguel knew God was giving him the grace to imitate the Lord “who came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for men,” (cf. Matthew 20:28). Miguel risked his life every time he heard a confession or clandestinely celebrated a Mass or bravely baptized a baby.

When he was finally caught, the authorities sentenced him to death, believing this would lead the priest to grovel and maybe even give up his faith so as to save his life. But they underestimated the power and glory of true faith in Jesus Christ: just before being executed by firing squad, Miguel Pro extended his arms in the shape of a cross and with utmost sincerity spoke the words “viva Cristo Rey!” – which means “Long live Christ the King!” His heroic death inspired the Mexicans so instantly and thoroughly that it was only a short matter of time before the persecution of the Catholic Church came to its inexorable end. The people of this parish aspire to the same depth of faith as they receive Jesus lovingly in Holy Communion, as they worship Him on the altar during First Friday Eucharistic Adoration, as they receive His tender mercy in the Sacrament of confession.

This is a very welcoming parish where you’ll find both great faith and an openness to new members. We hope you’ll join us for Mass. Thank you for visiting our website – please share this with others who are ready to take the next step in their faith life. As St. John Vianney told the shepherd boy who helped him find the little town of his first parish assignment, “You have shown me the way to Ars. Now I will show you the way to Heaven!”
May God bless and keep you, all the days of your life!

Your brother in Christ,
Father Barry Saylor

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